

588 Uppsatser om Collective intelligence - Sida 1 av 40

Finns det någon här som kan ha en teori om vad det hela kan bero på? : En netnografisk undersökning av diskussionsforumet på träningssajten Funbeat

The purpose of this study is to explore the Swedish site Funbeat which is a space dedicated to people who share an interest in exercising in general, and running in particular. By applying a netnographic analysis, I will investigate if Funbeat matches the criteria of a participatory culture and how the members manage to establish a Collective intelligence within the community. In order to achieve this, I will analyze the interactivity between the participants which occurs in discussion threads concerning injuries related to running, in the sites discussion forum. The results will then be discussed in relation to previous research within the field for participatory culture, Collective intelligence and interactivity.The outcome of the study revealed that Funbeat can be regarded as very good example of a participatory culture. By each member sharing their individual knowledge in matters regarding injuries, a Collective intelligence was established.

Business Intelligence : en diskussion om begreppet och fenomenet

Our aim with this thesis was to closer study business intelligence to be able to present an overview of both the concept and the phenomenon. We have also developed a framework that show how business intelligence can be used effectively. We think that our framework can be of help to under-stand the areas which constitutes the core of business intelligence. We think that the framework we have developed is a good basis for the im-plementation of business intelligence in an organisation and that it also can be of help in the daily business intelligence work..

Frihet under ansvar eller sann och opåverkad kunskap ? Trovärdighet hos källor och hur den bedöms av två användargrupper.

This essay is investigating what type of sources we trust, depending on how the information in these sources is created and provided. To exemplify, the sources Wikipedia and Nationalencyklopedin (the Swedish National Encyclopedia) were used, each one representing different approaches. The first is a representation of the Collective intelligence, where anyone can contribute with their knowledge to the public ? freedom under responsibility. The latter represents peer-reviewed knowledge, desirable enough to have people paying for it? true and unaffected.Based on theories of source criticism, Collective intelligence, expertise and the different generations of digital natives and digital immigrants, two focus groups were conducted and analysed.

Den nya musikbranschen på AllEars.se : Det demokratiska mötet mellan skivbolag och artister på Internet

AbstractTitle: The New Type of Music Industry at AllEars.se (Den nya musikbranschen på AllEars.se)Number of pages: 49 (53 including enclosures)Author: Viktor BackemarTutor: Else NygrenCourse: Media och Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to compare AllEars´ own view of the website AllEars.se to an observed view of the same site. The comparison is based on theories regarding the Internet in today?s society, convergence, communities and Collective intelligence, interactivity and participation, and business in today?s society.Method: Since the paper has a purpose to compare two views of the same website there are two main methods in use. AllEars´ own view has been created via an interview with the company?s CEO, a press release that was released in connection with the launch of the website and texts found on the website.

Omvärldsbevakning som ett verktyg inom Business Intelligence. En kvalitativ studie av omvärldsbevakning inom en verksamhet

Intelligence is an elusive concept with strong links to business intelligence , in which organizations have recently more and more have incorporated the use of IT (Information Technology). A research carried out recently have identified the importance of effective monitoring, but there are few studies showing how organizations actually work in the field.A qualitative study consisting of the interviews with employees at an IT company was done to see how external monitoring is carried out in practice, in a specific company and how it would help the company to develop. The company we visited did not work with special procedures of any kind regarding external monitoring but still knew about the term and its meaning.The conclusion account for detected patterns as well as difficulties, including the definition of external monitoring which differs a lot between individuals. The patterns discovered points to the importance of clarity and objectives regarding the use of external monitoring for it to be effective and measurable.Keywords: External monitoring, Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence..

Omvärldsanalys och dess etiska aspekter ? En kort studie

This study aims to examine Business Intelligence research conduct within Swedish government agencies and workplaces in order to understand the recent debate regarding Business Intelligence research ethics and thus answer the following question: Does Business Intelligence praxis in Sweden meet ethical guidelines recommended by international field experts? A theoretical analysis of relevant and also recent publications, including a Business Intelligence method review, was conducted using qualitative content analysis. In order to validate the results from my theoretical analysis I conducted a series of interviews with a number of professionals who useBusiness Intelligence research in their work and decisionmaking process..

Emotionell intelligens : En studie av den dskursiva produktionen av begreppet emotionell intelligens i ett organisationssammanhang

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a highly used concept in contemporary organizations, especially in the recruitment process or education of employees and managers. The aim of this study was to examine the discursive production of the concept emotional intelligence and how it, linked to an organizational context, is expressed in web-based articles and course homepages. In total 11 texts related to emotional intelligence and organizational contexts were used as the object of study. A three-stage model was used as a method for analysis. The model included a content analysis, argument analysis and a deconstruction analysis in order to expose what was said about emotional intelligence and how it was said.

Wikipedia som källa? : Är det accepterat vid studier i ämnet medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Uppsala universitet?

AbstractTitle: Wikipedia as a source? Is it accepted in the studies of Media and Communications at Uppsala University? (Wikipedia som källa? Är det accepterat vid studier i ämnet medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Uppsala universitet?)Number of pages: 38 (39 including enclosures)Author: Susanna SalomonTutor: Else NygrenCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/ Aim: The purpose is to study whether or not the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia is an accepted source when a student writes a paper in Media and Communications at Uppsala UniversityMaterial/ Method: Qualitative research method based on interviews with teachers and on litterature.Main results: The study shows that there is no common view within the faculty whether or not Wikipedia could be used as a source when writing a paper in Media and Communications. Some accept it, others do not. The results show that the teachers of this subject at Uppsala University have not yet decided upon how to adjust to the new large information bank wich is Wikipedia.Keywords: Wikipedia, Uppsala University, sources, reliability, objectivity, Collective intelligence, the Internet.

Informationsdesign + omvärldsanalys = sant? : En studie i hur informationsdesign behandlas som en aspekt av omvärldsanalys

Access to correct and updated intelligence about our environment is in an increasingly degree considered important in the private as well as in the public sector. At Mälardalens University, competitive intelligence as an area of research is closely related to Information Design - a multidisciplinary consideration which goal is to improve the receiver´s understanding of intended messages. This study was conducted in order to find out how Information Design was representedin different kinds of literature regarding Competitive Intelligence. Also, it describes the main focus areas concerning Competitive Intelligence in the same literature. Through an explorative "pearl-growing" method combined with searches through referrals, 60 different sources provide a broad basis for analysis.

Trender inom Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence har under de senaste åren vuxit starkare fram och innefattar nu en hel yrkesroll i gränslandet mellan teknik och företagsekonomi. Detta syns framförallt inom det företagsekonomiska området och särskilt inom ekonomistyrningen. Denna uppsats försöker besvara frågorna ?Hur har utveckling upp till idag av Business Intelligence sett ut?? och ?Vilka trender finns idag inom Business Intelligence ur ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv??. Uppsatsen behandlar inte något specifikt verktyg eller systemleverantör utan har som utgångspunkt att undersöka trender inom floran av systemverktyg utan att för den sakens skull gå in på någon specifik lösning.

Crowdsourcing för en ökad medborgardialog. En studie om en ökad medborgardialog för Västra Götalandsregionens kollektivtrafiknämnd

Today, companies can take advantage of mass intelligence by making use out ofcrowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is a business model that uses the power of the collective bythe offer of a problem by means of competitions in various social media. The benefit ofcrowdsourcing is that the company gets more creative and creative solutions to the sameproblem, which would not have been possible if the company solved the problem internally.The larger mass gains an insight into the company, which in return also releases power tothe company's development. The study aims to examine the way in which citizens can beattracted to participate in the development of public transport using crowdsourcing. The studyis based on both qualitative and quantitative approach since the study has a qualitative pilotstudy.

Effektivisering av en Business Intelligence-process

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka orsaker som hindrar ett företag att effektivt utnyttja sin business intelligence-process samt hur ett företag bör agera för att skapa högre effektivitet i business intelligence-processen. En fallstudie valdes som forskningsstrategi med kvalitativ empirisk data, vilken samlades in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med användare av business intelligence-processen. Studien visade att orsaker som hindrar ett företag att effektivt utnyttja sin business intelligence-process var: avsaknad av inriktning för insamling av information, överflöd av information hos beslutsfattare men samtidigt brist på information inom vissa områden. Det var heller inte klarlagt vem som skall ta del av vilken information, en central lagringsplats för omvärldsinformation saknades, underrättelserna var inte alltid anpassade till beslutsfattarna, ansvarsområden inom processen var oklara och stöd saknades från ledningen. För att skapa en effektiv business intelligence- process visade studien, att ett företag bör arbeta efter en processcykel med klara ansvarsområden, en väldefinierad inriktning för insamlingen av data och information, en väl utkommunicerad lagringsplats för information om omvärlden, analyser som täcker användares olika behov, kontinuerlig kommunikation mellan BI-enheten och beslutsfattare samt säkerställa att tillräcklig med resurser allokeras till business-intelligence processen..

Icke-värvningsklausuler : Finns behov av eget stadgande i lag?

The collective agreement contains many important provisions concerning the relationship between employers and employees. When a collective agreement applies in the workplace, both employers and employees are bound by it. However, only employers of those two, can take part in the collective agreement, and therefore negotiate the content of it.The purpose of this study is to answer the following question: Why are rules that has been interpreted in collective agreements not expressed in writing? Therefore, the Swedish collective agreement system will be examined, and a distinction between types of silent regulations will be made to find causes. The potential for workers to act on a collective agreement with quiet regulations will also be examined.Collective agreements are signed on three levels: central, union and local levels.

Trender inom Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence har under de senaste åren vuxit starkare fram och innefattar nu en hel yrkesroll i gränslandet mellan teknik och företagsekonomi. Detta syns framförallt inom det företagsekonomiska området och särskilt inom ekonomistyrningen. Denna uppsats försöker besvara frågorna ?Hur har utveckling upp till idag av Business Intelligence sett ut?? och ?Vilka trender finns idag inom Business Intelligence ur ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv??. Uppsatsen behandlar inte något specifikt verktyg eller systemleverantör utan har som utgångspunkt att undersöka trender inom floran av systemverktyg utan att för den sakens skull gå in på någon specifik lösning. Business Intelligence historia summeras upp utifrån 60-talet fram till idag och ett antal trender presenteras i punktform.

Den trådlösa massan - svärmbeteende och kollektiv handling

This essay seeks to analyze the consequences of modern information and communication technology for collective action within the framework of social movements. With references to the protests in Seattle 1999, the essay argues that the emergence of distributed collective action is closely related to the use of technology, for example cell phones and Internet. This distributed collective action can be characterized by its decentralized and self-organizing features, forming a global pattern emerging from local interactions. Whereas contemporary theories of collective action can be ´stretched´ to fit these aspects, they lack analytical tools to describe and analyze such systems. Further, their rejection of classical crowd theory is problematic, since it contains valuable insights.

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